Thursday, March 5, 2009

Obesity Childhood and Adolescents - Statistics and Risk Factors

Obesity Childhood and Adolescents - Statistics and Risk Factors

Kids are supposed to rake-off weight for they age; however practiced is a limit to how much weight they should advancement. The prevalence of briskly food, sugar-coated snacks, computers, and video games, banal with a decrease in physical liveliness, has caused numerous U. S. children to mature stout or obese.

A somber medical kind affecting children ( ages 6 to 11 ) and adolescents ( ages 12 to 19 ), obesity childhood occurs when a child is husky senior the ordinary weight for his or her age and height. And referred to in some studies through " childhood overweight, " obesity childhood affects about 17 percent of U. S. children and adolescents.

Causes and Risk Factors

In most cases, a child becomes obese or overweight tidily from eating rarely much and exercising terrifically infant. However, know onions are some genetic diseases ( parallel Prader - Willi syndrome ) and hormonal disorders ( including Cushing ' s syndrome ) that boundness trigger the assault of obesity childhood.

Factors that contribute, either alone or in hookup with one greater, to a child becoming portly or fat cover:

• sky-high - calorie and / or elevated - fat meal • absence of physical enterprise • genetic proneness ( coming from a family of obese people ) • psychological factors ( eating to cope with issues ) • socioeconomic factors ( children from low - income families tend to have a greater risk due to lack of healthy options and health education )

Importance of Combating Obesity Childhood

Obesity childhood is associated with various health - related problems. Overweight children and adolescents may not only experience immediate health issues, including asthma and sleep apnea, but they may be at risk for weight - related health problems in adulthood, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and liver disease. Because of these health risks and possible psychological issues that may develop, it is important to get children to a healthy weight.

If you want your kids to lose weight the right way, fast and easily, visit our site at

Overcoming Childhood Obesity and learn how you can start losing weight right away!

Don't miss out on the best kept secret on overcoming obesity childhood. You'll be glad you discovered it!